My little website

My website with some info about myself and what I have done in my working career. You have to take a look at my web pages for web design. Just get in touch with Divire-related web design, I will be happy to answer questions

About me

Terje Ruud

A little about myself, I started with data related things in 1988 Then I worked with CNC cutting torch and AutoCAD, where I have my education from Kongsberg vocational school, then I worked with and teach in MS-DOS 6.22 and windows for 2 years. Has worked in a computer store with sales and repairs for a few years. In recent years, I have worked with radio planning, ie I have planned where the masts will be and how high they must be for and reach customers on mobile and the internet. In between all this, I have been doing web design, and this has now taken over all my time. Take and check my web pages for web design.

My recipe

My recipe for new websites is a combination of several factors. We have a forward-looking attitude to new web trends and web technologies. Together with you, we find the right solution and create websites that win more customers.


The design should not only look good, but it should also communicate something and be functional. Let us help you with the graphic expression so that together we solve the task – and achieve the greatest possible effect!

Contact me

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